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Ethereum Name Service Domains provide a decentralized alternative to DNS domains. These are Ethereum based names followed by the .eth TLD. One of its great features is its capability to map multiple records with multiple purposes.

For example, an IPFS content hash or IPNS record from a site you uploaded with Fleek, to have that name.eth resolve to that content (much like any DNS domain maps to an html file!). For example, Eth Limo.

ENS Name Resolving

Given ENS names and their resolving live on Ethereum, for a user to resolve/visit an ENS domain they will need to have a compatible provider/browser installed that is able to resolve them. Using the MetaMask browser extension is one option, as it resolves .eth domains. An alternative is using a public gateway such as ETH Limo!

Which by appending .limo at the end of your ENS simply resolves it via HTTPS.

Adding an ENS domain

To add an ENS domain to your site, first you need to have a site created. If you don't have a site yet, please follow the steps in the Sites section.

Once you have a site created, go to the site overview and click on the settings icon. In the settings page, click on the Domains tab. You will see a list of all the ENS you have added to the site. To add a new ENS domain, type it into the input available in the ENS domains section and after we run some validations (mainly checking that the domain is valid and is not added to another site) you will be able to add it by clicking the Add ENS Domain button.


When the ENS domain is added you will be prompted with a modal to select your preffered method for setting up the ENS content hash record. You can choose between:

  • Automatic: This will require you to sign a transaction directly from the Fleek application.
  • Manual: This will allow you to manually set the ENS content hash record directly from the ENS application.

We recommend using the automatic method as it is the easiest and fastest way to set up your ENS domain as it support Top level names and subnames automatically.

Automatic ENS configuration


IMPORTANT: To set up your ENS using the automatic integration you need to have the wallet that owns the ENS linked to the Fleek application. If you don't have it linked yet, please follow the steps in the Login Connections section.


To configure your ENS using the automatic integration, you need to follow these steps:

  1. First you must choose between IPFS or IPNS as the content hash record.
    • We recommend using IPNS for sites that are going to be updated frequently as this means not paying gas on every update.
    • If you are not going to update your site frequently and are ok on paying gas to update the content hash on every deploy, you can use IPFS as the content hash record.
  2. After selecting the method, users will be prompted to sign a transaction. This action sets up the content hash record with the chosen hash.
  3. Once set up, the site can be accessed via any ENS gateway, such as, by appending '.limo' to the ENS record.

Manual ENS configuration


The manual option is suitable for users who do not have access to the wallet owning the ENS or prefer to manage updates independently.

To configure the ENS record using the manual configuration, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Select 'Set manually' as the desired method.
  2. Choose between IPNS or IPFS and copy the corresponding content hash.
  3. Go to the ENS application and set the content hash record manually.
  4. With the edit and management view enabled, you will be able to scroll down to the records section and click ADD/EDIT RECORD. Scroll down to the CONTENT field and enter
    • For an IPNS name: ipns://your-ipns-name
    • For an IPFS name: ipfs://your-ipfs-hash
  5. Once set, scroll down to confirm and validate the Ethereum transaction with your wallet.
  6. To finalize the process you need to go back to the Fleek application and click the Ok! I have added it button.
  7. We will run a verification thta the content hash was setted up correctly and if everything is ok, you will see the ENS domain marked as verified.
  8. Once set up, the site can be accessed via any ENS gateway, such as, by appending '.limo' to the ENS record.

ENS Record

Manually Adding an ENS Subname

Normally, trying to add an ENS subdomain or Subname of ENS V3 can trigger an errors due to controller settings in ENS. To ensure you can easily add any ENS subdomain to any Fleek site you want, go to the ENS app at / yourname and:

  1. Visit the subnames tab, and select the subname you want to add to Fleek.
  2. Unwrap your subname.
  3. Set it as a primary name.
  4. Done! Go back to Fleek, and follow the normal ENS flow.