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The Fleek SDK is a set of tools that allow you to interact with Fleek’s services. It’s composed of a set of libraries that you can leverage to build your own application on top of Fleek’s services.

All of the code snippets provided in these docs are based on Typescript. We strongly encourage Typescript to get the most out of the type of safety that the SDK provides.


The SDK is available as an npm package.

pnpm install @fleekxyz/sdk
npm install @fleekxyz/sdk
yarn install @fleekxyz/sdk


To authenticate, you must provide an Access Token Service. Currently, there are two Access Token Service available PersonalAccessTokenService and ApplicationAccessTokenService, but we’re working on adding more services.

Available Authenticaition options

Auth methodWeb EnvironmentNode Environment

Updating AccessTokenService

If you need to access multiple projects or switch between them, you will need to create a new instance of the SDK with the desired projectID

import { FleekSdk, PersonalAccessTokenService } from '@fleekxyz/sdk';

const newAccessTokenService = new PersonalAccessTokenService({
personalAccessToken: '<your-personal-access-token>',
projectId: '<your-project-id>',

const fleekSdk = new FleekSdk({ accessTokenService: newAccessTokenService });

Personal Access Token Service

The personal access token (PAT) is ment to be used in Backend Node.js environment and should be kept private, you should use an environment variable to store it.

personalAccessTokenPrivate PAT, generated from the CLI.
projectId (Optional)Project Id is required for IPFS and IPNS service

This method of authentication relies on a personalAccessToken which can be obtained from the Fleek CLI:

fleek pat create
import { FleekSdk, PersonalAccessTokenService } from '@fleekxyz/sdk';

const patService = new PersonalAccessTokenService({
personalAccessToken: '<your-pat>',
projectId: '<your-project-id>' // Optional

const fleekSdk = new FleekSdk({ accessTokenService: patService })

Application Access Token

Application credentials are the keys to your project. They are used to authenticate your application with Fleek's services. You can create multiple application credentials for a single project, and each application credential can have different permissions.

You can create an application token following the steps here.


clientIdClient Id, generated from the CLI.
authAppsServiceUrl (Optional)

This method of authentication relies on a clientId which can be obtained after creating an application from the CLI:

> fleek applications create
> ✔ Type name of new application: … app
> ✔ Type white label domains separated by comma …
> Success! Successfully created. Your new application has client's ID: client_FYMego6wIogtm36sUFQb


import { FleekSdk, ApplicationAccessTokenService } from '@fleekxyz/sdk';

const applicationService = new ApplicationAccessTokenService({
clientId: '<your-client-id>',

const fleekSdk = new FleekSdk({ accessTokenService: applicationService })